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"Na rubu pameti“ and "Tender"
in the program of MY TV and FTV!

December 11. and 12. 2022. starting at  9:00 p.m,
and then on the FTV channel on December 17. and 18.

On the edge of reason

Život Mahe Dilbera, sredovječnog samca i doajena sportskog novinarstva, preko noći se mijenja kada mu se na vratima pojave dvije kćerke iz dva različita, propala braka. Kćerke koje toliko dugo nije vidio da je skoro zaboravio i da postoje.

Potpuno zatečenog Mahu dočeka još jedno bolno saznanje da je uz dvije odrasle kćerke postao i djed.

Naviknut na samački život i brigu za sebe i jedino sebe Maho se teško nosi sa novim činjenicama, da mora sve na šta je navikao mijenjati, prilagođavati i kroz taj proces i sam biti promijenjen, postati drugačiji i bolji čovjek.

Po prirodi radoholik Maho pokušava spas iz porodičnog života i neprestanih trzavica u svome domu naći u pokretanju  vloga “Mahonizam” koji vremenom zaista počinje da ga ispunjava, kao i odlaskom u kafanu “NA MALA VRATA” koji drži njegov polubrat po majci, stari mostarski mangup Fikret Pašić Pipa, sportski menadžer u pokušaju.

Svakodnevne avanture, zgode i nezgode polubraće, potpuno različitih karaktera i životnih stavova zaokružuje Mahin najbolji prijatelj još iz školskih klupa Toni Bonussi, lokalni brico talijanskih korijena. Njegov mirni i jednostavni porodični život sa suprugom Mirom koja ulazi u nesigurne političke vode i sinom jedincem Markom narušen je pet godina ranije dolaskom njegove punice baba Anđe Poskok iz Zapadne Hercegovine. Dolazak i ne bi bio toliki problem koliko je problem njen neodlazak.

Sukobi četiri generacije, njihova interesovanja, stavovi i pogledi na svijet, dovode do niza komičnih situacija i sve njih zajedno na rub pameti.

Main roles: (if applicable):
Admir Glamočak
Aleksandar Seksan
Dragan Marinković
Džana Pinjo Haračić
Alisa Čajić
Ivana Vojinović
Isa Seksan
Tatjana Šojić
Dušan Arnaut




Tri čovjeka različitih nacionalnih, političkih i životnih stavova čine novoizabranu Komisiju za sprovođenje javnih nabavki. Međutim, ono što ih spaja je jače od svih njihovih razlika - želja da se brzo obogate. U to ime, oni lažu, petljaju, potkupljuju, ulizuju se šefovima. Uz to, tu su i uposlenici administracije koji imaju svoje privatne probleme - hektičan ili nikakav emotivni život, manjak samopozdanja i socijalne inteligencije koji često staju na put našoj komisiji. Pritom, niko nije imun na ljubav, pa tako ni uposlenici agencije. Komisija i administracija kreiraju čudan spoj pun ljubavi i mržnje, prijateljstva i neprijateljstva koji svakodnevno poprima novi oblik u kontaktu sa klijentima Agencije. A Agencija za zajedničke državne nabavke je, naravno, magnet za varalice, lupeže i vucibatine svih vrsta i boja.

Main cast:
Tarik Džinić,
Robert Krajinović,
Branko Janković,

Aida Bukva,
Anja Kraljević,
Igor Skvarica,
Anđela Kusić,
Dražen Pavlović,
Edin Avdagić,
Nadine Mičić

Will you stop and listen!

Documentary film is one of the activities of the “Build up for Social Inclusion Advocacy Platform in BiH - Will You Stop and Listen” project financed by European Union, and implemented by SIF in BiH and IBHI.

Social inclusion of marginalized groups is important and demanding topic for bh society. Hence, the intention is to change attitudes about inclusiveness and openness that are dominating in bh society through real life stories of actual persons.

“Will You Stop and Listen” is a documentary film about six young persons from Bosnia and Herzegovina: Azra Dedić from Bihać, Nadina Imamović from Sarajevo, Biljana Nedić, Haris Eminović and Vanja Čolić from Banja Luka, and Kristijana Nikolić from Mostar.

They are fighters, true heroes unknown. This film will change that!

Documentary film “Will You Stop and Listen” glows with optimisms and affirmation of one’s willpower, celebrating toughness of spirit, and beauty of human being. A leitmotif of the film is person’s inspiration to reach the goal and move towards that goal unstoppably. Then, his or hers achievement inspires us all.

These are the stories about passion for sports and art, love for music and dance, desire for better education, hopes and fears too.

Crazy, Confused, Normal

From the dramaturgical perspective, the series will develop similarly to previous seasons. Each episode will have two or three parallel stories that will intertwine in the format of popular sitcoms. The return of some old cast (Sefika, Combe) who strongly impressed the audience in the first seasons will revive and refresh the content.

Faruk fleeds to Sweden to avoid a prison sentence for tax evasion. Izet takes over the Akord studio premises and forms a new political party SPK (Samo posteno komunisticki – Just Honestly as Communists Do) with Jure Zalkan and Samir.
Izet, though older, is still vital and eager to drink his raki and flirt with young women. Petty scams are still what best describe his character.

Dzebra is now 18 years old and has just enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine. He is energetic and business oriented, but also inclined to engage in petty fraud, which proves that he is from the Fazlinovic family.

Damir is prone to alcohol and still unemployed. He is unlucky in love and falls from a bad relationship into an even worse one.

Marija still runs San Remo Café and plays an important role in connecting other characters.

Samir, Jure, Fufe, Jakov… and a whole series of recurring characters will play the same or similar roles in which we are used to seeing them.

Main roles:
Mustafa Nadarevic
Moamer Kasumovic
Tarik Dzinic
Tatjana Sojic
Emir Hadzihafizbegovic
Jasna Zalica

Inn at Hilmija’s

The "Konak kod Hilmije" TV Series takes us back to the time of Sarajevo under siege during the Second World War. Everyone comes to the inn: communist illegals, Ustashas, Chetniks, soldiers of the Handschar Division, German soldiers and the commander of the town Sturmbannführer Schilling. They conspire right under each other’s noses and national tensions become less important than personal material interests. The situation is additionally spiced up by two miners, partisan illegals hiding in the inn’s basement, tasked with digging up a tunnel to the German weapons depot.

The main cast is accompanied by a generation of young actors such as Marija Pikic, Igor Skvarica, Emir Zumbul Kapetanovic, Adnan Omerovic, Rijad Gvozden and Dino Sarija, but also many other famous stars from former Yugoslavia.

The new regional TV series started broadcasting on May 7th, 2018 on TOP kanal in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, on SBB, Telemach, Total TV, D3i, as well as on NetTV Plus available within the basic package for the BiH expats, and on EON platform at:


Main roles:
Emir Hadzihafizbegovic
Tarik Filipovic
Bojan Peric
Milena Vasic
Darko Tomovic
Marko Cindric
Ilir Tafa


Don't Touch My Mom

Budimir Corovic (Rene Bitorajac) and Zlatko Sljepcevic (Branko Djuric) are partners in a law firm. Budimir was married to Zlatko's deceased sister. After his wife died, his mother-in-law Dika (Jasna Diklic), Zlatko's mother, stayed in the apartment with Budimir. Due to a peculiar turn of events, in one of the episodes, Zlatko loses his apartment and joins what becomes a dysfunctional family in one apartment: son, son-in-law and mother-in-law (i.e. mother).

The law firm Slijepcevic – Corovic employs a secretary Dunja Sunovratilo (Andjelka Prpic) and a private investigator Dzevad Bukva (Dragan Marinkovic).

In terms of scenography and dramaturgy, Paragraf 42 Tavern owned by Kerim (Admir Glamocak) becomes an important environment in the series. The tavern is located across the Court building and it is a place where all the legal court cloak-and-dagger matters take place, and it is also a place where family problems unfold and resolve.

Main roles:
Branko Đuric
Rene Bitorajac
Jasna Diklic
Dragan Marinković Maca
Andzelka Prpic
Emir Hadžihafizbegovic
Admir Glamocak


Each episode begins with a scene at a psychiatrist’s office where Ales lies on the couch and tells the doctor what happened to him. The main characters are going through a midlife crisis and the main feature of this crisis is their, mostly unsuccessful, attempts to have sex. Guided by the premise that rock stars are more successful with women, the four of them form a garage band called “Kriza” (Crisis). Furthermore, each character has his own family problems.

Main roles:
Aleš - Nikola Kojo
Miron - Enis Beslagic
Jeremija - Mirvad Kuric
Kifla - Aleksandar Seksan

Fedja Isovic